Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I got up before the sun to sew this morning, so that I would have time to go for a bike ride when it was sunny and warmer. It's sunny, but not warmer. I don't want to go for a bike ride. No holiday decorating yet, or holiday shopping for that matter. Just sewing, knitting. I can feel the tiniest bit of holiday panic creeping in...


Jane Flanagan said...

Don't panic! Sometimes all that time ends up just being wheel-spinning anyway!

It's cold here this week too. Even though I have an indoor exercise bike I didn't want to ride it... though I'm not sure I can use the cold as my excuse!

Hope you've had a great week!

Liz said...

you better get on that decorating!!

Jill said...

jane, your comment makes me feel better! really, it is rather silly to get stressed about holiday stuff. the world just goes on doesn't it :) freezing here still, i won't go for a bike ride today!! although i did go the other day and it was great.

hi liz! i know, aren't i a big slacker for not decorating yet :)
hope things are good with you!

krys kirkpatrick said...

I thought the same thing's sunny...but cold. I got on my coat once and then got distracted. Oh I need some fresh air. Happy Jolly Winter to you.

Jill said...

thanks, krys! happy winter to you too. yes, i need some fresh air right about now. getting outside makes it seem much better :)